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The Power of Herbal Tinctures: A Natural Path to Wellness

Embracing the Alchemical Potency of Herbal Tinctures for Holistic Health Approach.

In an ever-advancing world of modern medicine, the time-honored wisdom of traditional herbal remedies remains a valuable treasure. Among the diverse range of herbal preparations, tinctures shine as powerful extracts, providing a convenient and efficient method to unlock the therapeutic potential of plants. If you're intrigued by the realm of herbal tinctures and eager to reap their benefits, delve into the following insights to understand why they hold immense value and learn how you can effortlessly craft your own at home.

"Nature's pharmacy is abundant, and within herbal tinctures lies the concentrated essence of healing plants."

So, why to choose herbal tinctures? Here are some good reasons:

Concentration of Healing Compounds: Herbal tinctures pack a powerful punch, as they concentrate the active compounds present in plants. Compared to teas or capsules, tinctures allow for better extraction of beneficial constituents, ensuring you get the most out of each drop.

Rapid Absorption: Tinctures are alcohol-based extracts, which facilitate quick absorption by the body. When taken orally, the medicinal properties are readily assimilated into the bloodstream, promoting faster relief and support for various health issues.

Long Shelf Life: Properly prepared and stored, herbal tinctures have an impressive shelf life, making them a practical choice for building a reliable home apothecary.

Creating Your Own Herbal Tinctures

Crafting your own herbal tinctures is a rewarding and surprisingly straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:



Selecting the Herbs: Choose high-quality dried herbs from a reputable source. Whether you prefer individual herbs or are focused on specific health goals, Anunnaki Bag provides a diverse range of organic and wildcrafted options, ensuring the plants possess potent medicinal properties.

Measuring and Mixing: Fill a glass jar about one-third to halfway with the dried herbs. If using multiple herbs, ensure a balanced ratio. Cover the herbs with alcohol, leaving about 2 cm of space at the top. Seal the jar tightly.

Maceration Period: Place the jar in a cool, dark place, such as a cupboard, and let it sit for 4 to 6 weeks. During this period, the alcohol will extract the medicinal compounds from the herbs.

Shaking and Monitoring: Shake the jar gently every few days to ensure proper extraction. Check on the tincture regularly, observing its colour and scent to gauge readiness.

Straining and Bottling: After the maceration period, strain the tincture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean glass bottle. Be sure to label the bottle with the herb(s) used and the date of preparation.

For those who find themselves in a constant rush, unable to embark on the journey of crafting their own tinctures just yet, Anunnaki Bag offers the perfect solution. Our carefully curated selection of high-quality, ready-to-use herbal tinctures offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the benefits of these natural remedies. Whether you seek immune support, stress relief, or specific herbal blends, Anunnaki Bag provides a range of options to cater to your unique needs.

Some Herbal Tincture Recipes

1. Joint-Soothing Turmeric and Ginger Tincture:


  • 1/4 cup dried Turmeric root

  • 1/4 cup dried Ginger root

  • 1 cup high-proof alcohol (vodka or brandy)


  • Grind the dried Turmeric and Ginger roots into a coarse powder.

  • Combine the powdered Turmeric and Ginger in a glass jar.

  • Pour the high-proof alcohol over the herb mixture, ensuring it is fully covered.

  • Seal the jar tightly and shake it well to thoroughly mix the ingredients.

  • Place the jar in a cool, dark place and allow it to macerate for 4 to 6 weeks, shaking gently every few days.

  • After the maceration period, strain the tincture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean glass bottle.

  • Label the bottle with the name and date of preparation.

Take 1 teaspoon of the Turmeric and Ginger tincture up to 3 times per day to promote joint health and reduce inflammation. Both Turmeric and Ginger possess anti-inflammatory properties, and they are often used to alleviate joint pain and support overall joint mobility.

2. Combating Lyme Disease Tincture (Cat's Claw, Cryptolepis, Japanese Knotweed):



  1. Grind the dried Cat's Claw bark, Cryptolepis root, and Japanese Knotweed root into a coarse powder.

  2. Combine the powdered herbs in a glass jar.

  3. Pour the high-proof alcohol over the herb mixture, ensuring it is fully covered.

  4. Seal the jar tightly and shake it vigorously to ensure proper saturation.

  5. Store the jar in a cool, dark place for 6 to 8 weeks, shaking gently every few days.

  6. After the maceration period, strain the tincture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean glass bottle.

  7. Label the bottle with the name and date of preparation.

Take 1 teaspoon of this tincture 3 times per day before food to aid in the healing process. Cat's Claw, Cryptolepis, and Japanese Knotweed are known for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. They are commonly used in Lyme disease protocols to support the immune system and reduce inflammation associated with the condition.

3. Stress-Relieving Siberian Ginseng Tincture:



  1. Start by measuring 1/4 cup of Siberian Ginseng root powder.

  2. Transfer the Siberian Ginseng root powder into a glass jar. Ensure that the jar is clean and dry, as any moisture can compromise the quality of the tincture.

  3. Pour 1 cup of high-proof alcohol (vodka or brandy) over the Siberian Ginseng root powder in the jar. The alcohol acts as a solvent to extract the medicinal properties of the herb.

  4. Seal the jar tightly with a lid and give it a good shake to thoroughly mix the herb powder and alcohol.

  5. Place the jar in a cool, dark location, such as a cupboard or pantry. Let it macerate for 4 to 6 weeks. During this time, gently shake the jar every few days to enhance the extraction process.

  6. After the maceration period, strain the tincture using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean glass bottle. Squeeze the herb material to extract as much liquid as possible.

  7. Label the bottle with the name and date of preparation, ensuring it is clearly identified as Siberian Ginseng tincture.

How to Use:

To experience the stress-relieving benefits of Siberian Ginseng, take 1 teaspoon of the tincture up to three times daily. You can dilute it in a small amount of water or herbal tea if desired. Start with a lower dosage and gradually increase as needed, based on your response. Siberian Ginseng, an adaptogenic herb, offers a range of benefits, including immune support, increased energy and stamina, enhanced mental clarity, reduced inflammation, improved stress adaptation, and antioxidant support for overall health and well-being.

4. Stevia Tincture: Support Digestion and Aid in Lyme Disease

Stevia, a natural sweetener, can also be transformed into a tincture that offers potential digestive support and kills Lyme disease causing pathogen. Follow this simple recipe to create your own Stevia tincture:


  • 1/4 cup dried Stevia leaves

  • 1 cup high-proof alcohol (vodka or brandy)


  1. Transfer Stevia leaves into a dark glass jar. Ensure the jar is clean and dry, as any moisture can affect the tincture's quality.

  2. Pour the high-proof alcohol over the Stevia leaves in the jar, making sure they are fully submerged. The alcohol acts as a solvent, extracting the medicinal properties of the herb.

  3. Secure the jar with a tight-fitting lid and give it a gentle shake to thoroughly mix the Stevia leaves and alcohol.

  4. Store the jar in a cool, dark place such as a cupboard or pantry. Allow the mixture to macerate for 4 to 6 weeks. Shake the jar occasionally during this period to aid the extraction process.

  5. After the maceration period, strain the tincture using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean glass bottle. Squeeze the herb material to extract all the liquid.

  6. Label the bottle with the name and date of preparation, clearly indicating it as Stevia tincture.

How to Use:

To support digestion and aid in managing Lyme disease, take 1 tsp of Stevia tincture before or after meals. Stevia has a powerful antimicrobial properties and helps in combating certain bacteria, including those associated with Lyme disease. It also helps to alleviate digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and indigestion.

5. Wormwood Tincture: A Powerful Herbal Remedy


Health Benefits: Wormwood possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and has been traditionally used to support the healing of Lyme disease, aid in managing microbial infections, and provide relief from inflammation and indigestion.


  • Measure out 1 part dried Wormwood leaves and place them in a glass jar.

  • Pour 5 parts high-proof alcohol (such as brandy) over the herb, ensuring it is fully covered.

  • Seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place.

  • Allow the tincture to macerate for 4 to 6 weeks, gently shaking the jar every few days.

  • After the maceration period, strain the tincture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean glass bottle.

  • Label the bottle with the herb used, the date of preparation, and the recommended dosage.

Crafting your own herbal remedies is a deeply personal process that infuses your creations with your unique energy. As you gather and prepare the herbs, your intentions and positive energy become integral parts of the healing properties. This synergy between you and the botanical world enhances the therapeutic potential of the remedies, creating a profound mind-body connection. Let's embrace the transformative power of co-creating remedies that go beyond the physical, fostering holistic well-being and honouring the magic of nature's healing forces.

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